Three Alinta Energy workers in high visibility clothes and hard hats walking alongside many solar panels in a spacious meadow
Smart Energy and Sustainability Solar


We've got a great track record of making energy more sustainable, and an ambitious plan to do even more.

We have a long history of embracing innovation to become more sustainable, including achievements like developing Australia's first grid-forming battery, building the Yandin Wind Farm — one of Western Australia's largest and most efficient wind farms — and creating one of the country's largest remote solar farms.

Looking ahead, our development pipeline includes over $10 billion of renewable and storage projects, including offshore wind and pumped hydro projects.

On this page you'll find a summary of our current sustainability efforts listed under Planet and People for our efforts towards environmental and social issues and Prosperity, covering our financial sustainability and ability to support our customers and stakeholders for the long-term.

Aerial view of red desert cliffs with turquoise ocean lapping the beach
Smart Energy and Sustainability

FY24 Sustainability Report

Read our full 2023/24 Sustainability Report, which provides an update on our activities and impacts. It includes information on our pathway to net zero, as well as our values, vision and annual performance across finance, safety, employment, environment, community, markets and customers. (A summary report is also available).

Read more about sustainability at Alinta Energy below.

Many wind turbines on an offshore wind farm in the middle of the ocean on a calm day
Offshore Wind 1


We're targeting net zero by 2050 and developing an extensive renewable energy portfolio. 

Our pathway to achieving net zero by 2050:

  • Invest in clean energy technologies
  • Establish and track against interim emission reduction targets
  • Help customers meet their climate ambitions
  • Commit to no new coal assets

To help our customers meet their climate ambitions, we have a carbon-offsetting energy plan called Carbon Balance. We also have GreenPower accredited products, and behind-the-meter solar PV and battery storage solutions for our large business customers.

FY24 performance highlights:

Greenhouse gas emissions

  • Our net Scope 1 emissions intensity was slightly above (0.06 tCO2-e/MWh) our FY25 target
  • Our slightly higher emissions are reflective of a year in which our thermal generators operated flat-out to make up for low renewable generation
  • 75% of our total Scope 2 emissions were offset using Australian Carbon Credit Units

Clean energy investment

  • 27% increase in our renewable energy pipeline (from 5,865 MW to 7,422 MW)
Smiling male Alinta staff member in an open office with glass walls and bokeh hanging lights from the ceiling
Alinta Staff


Our commitment to providing safe, healthy and inclusive workplaces for our people is evidenced in our safety and gender equity highlights below. We prioritise providing a high level of support to customers.

FY24 performance highlights:


  • Zero Class 1 injuries (fatalities or life-threatening injury or illness)
  • All safety performance targets for FY24 reached

Gender equity

  • Proportion of women in management steady at 37%
  • -0.4% gender pay equity gap for comparable roles, achieving our new target for this to be below 1%

Customer support

  • More than $14 million provided through our payment support scheme, applied across 11,000 accounts

First Nations reconciliation

  • Launched our first Reconciliation Action Plan
Two smiling Alinta Energy staff members wearing orange polo shirts and white caps,  working on Rottnest Island as volunteers with blue ocean behind them. They are holding a young tube stock plant.


In 2023/24 we were proud to generate value and benefits for stakeholders ranging from our owner, to employees, and landowners in communities in which we operate.

FY24 performance highlights:

Value distributed to our stakeholders

  • $387 million in payments to government
  • $501,502 in community grants and donations
  • $208 million contributed to the Australian small business community
  • Over $1 million spent on First Nations businesses
  • $108 million spent on maintence to ensure the reliability of the energy system
  • $137 million spent on growth to invest for the future


Read about our commitment to doing right by our employees, our communities and the environment in our policies:


In FY23, Alinta Energy produced its first Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Report, available here.

Modern Slavery

Our most recent Modern Slavery Statement, through our parent company Pioneer Sail Holdings, can be viewed here.

Earlier versions of our parent company Pioneer Sail Holdings' Modern Slavery Statements are available on the Commonwealth government’s Modern Slavery Statements Register.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out our expectations for our suppliers.

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