Account details including your account number. Please update this number in your systems including banking to ensure successful account transactions.
The invoice address for this account.
Our contact details including the number to call if there’s an emergency or fault.
Account details including your account number. Please update this number in your systems including banking to ensure successful account transactions.
Invoice overview lists previous invoice charges, payments and outstanding balances.
New charges lists a summary of new charges by charge type exclusive of GST. The GST amount is listed as a separate line item. Total payable is the total of all outstanding charges.
Any overdue amounts will be shown here.
Current charges - any charges previously invoiced will be shown here.
New charges - the total of new charges on this invoice, plus the Due Date will show here.
Total payable - the total amount payable on this invoice, i.e. the total of all listed charges, will show here.
Important notifications and other relevant information.
The NMI or National Metering Identifier is the unique meter identifying number for your business meter.
The Address is the property where the energy is consumed.
The Supply period covered by the invoice, shown as a start date to end date.
Meter numbers associated with the supply address.
Electricity charges itemised by charge type as further explained below.
Retail Energy charges as set out in your Electricity Retail Sale Agreement.
Environmental charges are cost allocated to environmental schemes that may apply at a federal level and state level. These charges may have been specified in your Electricity Retail Sale Agreement.
Plus various state environment schemes that may apply, including:
Network charges are pass-through charges from the network company for maintaining the network infrastructure.
Market charges are pass-through charges from AEMO (Australian Energy Market Operator) to cover market operating costs.
Usage summary showing average consumption on a rolling month by month basis for a period of up to 12 months. Also shows corresponding greenhouse gas emissions over the same period.
Web address for greenhouse gas emissions information.
Invoice cost breakdown showing the percentage of new charges on this invoice by charge type.
Loss factor calculations
How to pay this invoice lists all available payment methods, including new options of Direct Debit and BPay.
The invoice address for this account.
Our contact details including the number to call if there’s an emergency or fault.
Account details including your account number. Please update this number in your systems including banking to ensure successful account transactions.
Invoice overview lists previous invoice charges, payments and outstanding balances.
New charges lists a summary of new charges by charge type exclusive of GST. The GST amount is listed as a separate line item. Total payable is the total of all outstanding charges.
Any overdue amounts will be shown here.
Current charges - any charges previously invoiced will be shown here.
New charges - the total of new charges on this invoice, plus the Due Date will show here.
Total payable - the total amount payable on this invoice, i.e. the total of all listed charges, will show here.
Important notifications and other relevant information.
The MIRN or Meter Installation Registration Number is the unique gas meter identifying number for your meter.
The Address is the property where the gas is to be supplied.
The Supply period covered by the invoice, shown as a start date to end date.
Metering Information shows information relating to your gas meter that is located at the supply address.
Gas charges itemised by charge type as further explained below.
Retail Energy charges
Network charges are pass-through charges from the Distribution company who are responsible for maintain the gas pipes, meters and gas as supply in your areas. Depending on your state/zone, some or all of the network charges may apply
Market charges are pass-through charges from AEMO (Australian Energy Market Operator) to cover market operating costs
Transmission Charges are pass-through transmission charges.
Environmental charges are cost allocated to environmental schemes that may apply at a federal level and state level. These charges may have been specified in your Gas Retail Supply Agreement (if applicable).
Other Charges any other charges including excluded service charges.
Interpreter Information: Contact details if customers required translation service.
Usage summary showing average consumption on a rolling month by month basis for a period of up to 12 months.
Invoice cost breakdown showing the percentage of new charges on this invoice by charge type.
How to pay this invoice lists all available payment methods, including new options of Direct Debit and BPay.