50% off gas usage charges based on our standard residential gas price for 2 years*

Your details

If you have an additional account holder, please fill out their details below. Otherwise, please leave blank.

Supply Address

Billing options

These documents also contain information which we are required to provide you under the Gas Marketing Code of Conduct.

Alinta Energy may contact you to keep you informed about Alinta Energy's products and offers, even after your energy plan ends. To stop receiving this information, you can opt out at any time by contacting Alinta Energy on 1300 108 613 or by emailing customer.services@alintaenergy.com.au. You may also choose to stop receiving such communication by unsubscribing using the links provided in any marketing email you receive from us.

Terms and Conditions

* 50% offer: receive 50% off the usage component of our standard residential gas price for two years by by selecting our Fair Go 50 offer. Call 08 6228 4246 to sign up to the Fair Go 50 offer or for further information. This offer is only available for the householder at the addressed property. This offer is not available in conjunction with any other offer.

# Click here to read the terms and conditions set out in the Gas Supply Residential Market Contract and the Offer Details.

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