If you’re confused about the energy market, you’re not alone. So, we're taking a clear and responsible approach in talking about where Australia's energy comes from, and what's involved in the transition to net zero.

We call it True Power™.

For us, we want to keep energy as reliable, affordable and sustainable as possible while we move towards a renewable future. And we want to give you the information you need to make better-informed decisions when you choose your energy provider and use energy in your home or business.

Understand and manage your energy use

Banner with the Alinta Energy logo and the text Being honest about where Australia's energy comes from. That's True Power.

You deserve honest answers about where your energy comes from. That way, you can understand how blended energy – with renewables, coal and gas – will make the overall transition to net zero as affordable and reliable for customers as possible.

Being Responsible

The reality is that the energy transition to net zero isn’t as easy as swapping from coal and gas to renewables. Harnessing the energy from the sun, wind and water is not free — it costs time and money to build the necessary infrastructure.
And, while we want to transition to net zero as quickly as possible, if Australia shuts down existing energy sources before we have renewable energy sources to replace them, we will face energy shortages and prices that customers will struggle with even more than they are now. That’s not a realistic or responsible option in our view.

Blended Energy

Right now, the most affordable and reliable route to net zero is blended energy – a mix of renewables, coal and gas. Of course, we want to leave coal and gas behind as soon as possible. But until then, while our pathway to net zero strategy means we've committed to no more coal assets, gas is still an essential part of continuing to supply Australia with the energy it needs now, and we're being upfront about how we're doing it.

If you'd like to see the current mix of fuels in Australia's energy grid right now, check out these Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) webpages: East Coast, West Coast.

Banner with the Alinta Energy logo and the text Net Zero: Tough but doable. That's True Power.

The energy transition to net zero isn’t as easy as swapping straight from coal and gas to renewables, but it is doable in time. We’re already making great progress, having built our Yandin Wind Farm, and working on $10 billion of new Australian renewables, like our Oven Mountain Pumped Hydro project. To learn more about our substantial investments into Australian renewables, click here.

More than great energy.

That's better™.