Energy efficient tips for the school holidays

A mother sits with a young daughter at a table covered with paints while in the background a father and son are baking together in the kitchen

Manage your energy use during peak periods to help reduce your energy bill.

Tips to reduce energy usage during school holidays

School holidays can be a busy and expensive time for families, especially over the summer. As temperatures rise, we tend to use more energy, meaning a bigger energy bill. Here are some tips that may help reduce energy consumption and also have fun with the family!

Increase Kitchen Efficiency

  • Batch cooking: heating up the pan or pot can take up a lot of energy, so consider cooking meals in bulk if you can.
  • Cook outdoors: using a BBQ can take the heat away from inside the home, keeping it cooler.
  • 'No cook' or cool meals: try making food that you don't have to cook, like sandwiches, wraps, smoothie bowls or salads.

Smart Cooling

  • Outdoor play: encouraging your kids to engage in outdoor play may help lower reliance on indoor climate control systems - and gets them off their devices!
  • Low-tech options: before switching on your air conditioner, consider a low-tech option first. Fans can be an easy and cheaper alternative to beat the heat.
  • Cover your windows: keep direct sunlight from streaming into your home (and heating up the rooms) by drawing the blinds or curtains during the day.

Lighting Awareness

  • Invest in your lights: LEDs are considered better value than halogen and other incandescent lightbulbs, using up to 75% less energy* to produce the same amount of light. They can also up to 10 times longer*, resulting in less replacement costs.
  • Lights off: sometimes it's as simple as turning lights off when they are not in use. Lights emit heat, which in turn may increase of air conditioning. As kids are usually home more often during holidays, get them into a habit of switching the lights off when leaving a room.

Power-Free Fun

  • Read book: The perfect way to unwind. Consider purchasing a book light so you can avoid using the main lights, plus it creates a cozy atmosphere!
  • Play games: Board game, card game or a puzzle. The optins are endless.
  • Stargazing: Turn all your lights off and go outside and enjoy the stars.
  • Outdoor fun: Go to the local park, fields, beach or even a backyard.

Saving energy during the school holidays doesn't have to complicated. By adopting a few simple habits and making some small changes, you can work towards reducing energy consumption - and enjoying a fun holiday at the same time!


*Lighting |

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