Energy and Water Ombudsman Western Australia
PO Box Z5386, St Georges Terrace, Perth WA, 6831
Freecall (from Australia) 1800 754 004
Fax 08 9220 7599
Alinta Energy
PO Box 16196
Collins Street West VIC 8007
13 37 02
We’ll acknowledge your enquiry or written complaint within 2 business days of receiving it. And we’ll do our best to get back to you via your preferred contact method with an answer or solution within 5 business days. If we need more time, we’ll be in touch to tell you when you can expect to hear from us. We’ll also confirm how frequently you’d like to be updated.
If you're unsure, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
If you’re still not satisfied and want to escalate the matter, we will refer your enquiry or complaint to our senior management. You can also contact your State Energy Ombudsman. The Energy Ombudsman is an independent, free service that seeks to resolve disputes between Residential customers and their electricity and gas company. Please note the Ombudsman can only assist after you have raised your complaint with us.
Download our Standard Complaints and Dispute Resolution Procedures.
Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria
Reply Paid 469
Melbourne, Victoria 8060
Freecall (from Australia) 1800 500 509
Freefax (from Australia) 1800 500 549
Energy and Water Ombudsman of New South Wales
Reply Paid 86550
Sydney South, New South Wales 1234
Freecall (from Australia) 1800 246 545
Freefax (from Australia) 1800 812 291
Energy and Water Ombudsman Western Australia
PO Box Z5386, St Georges Terrace, Perth WA, 6831
Freecall (from Australia) 1800 754 004
Fax 08 9220 7599
Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland
PO Box 3640 South Brisbane BC, Queensland 4101
Freecall (from Australia) 1800 662 837
Fax 07 3087 9477
Energy Industry Ombudsman of South Australia
GPO Box 2947 Adelaide, South Australia 5001
Freecall (from Australia) 1800 665 565
Freefax 1800 665 165 Overseas call +61 8 8216 1888
Overseas fax +61 8 8216 1844